Friday, February 2, 2018

Author's Interview

Authors Interview - Feb. 2, 2018

Have you always known you want to write novels?

I was really young when I discovered I liked to write. I read everything I could get my hands on while still in grade school. I wrote little short stories and poems for years. Unfortunately most of the stuff I wrote was lost during many moving adventures. I became serious about writing my sophomore year in school and from then on I have written many articles and Christian stories I published on Facebook and/or in church newsletters. I was also a reporter/photographer for several years in the early ‘70s

Sometimes it takes years to write a book and others crank them out like an assembly line. You?

Because I wasn’t so sure I could or would write an actual book versus short stories I began writing Devils Dump sometime in 2010. I serialized it for a couple years in my church newsletter a chapter or two at a time. Then when I became serious about publishing it took me a couple of weeks to proofread and decide to self-publish

Do you have a set writing schedule?

I am retired so I have all day and night to write or edit. During the winter I don’t do much else so I might write or edit 2-10 hours. Editing takes motivation I sometimes lack. There are days when I totally lack motivations to continue on my book or writing but by bed time I can’t wait to start the next morning.

What is your writing style? Anything unusual about it?

I have been told you can’t write a book unless you have it all mapped out before you start. I can’t or won’t write that way. I don’t do outlines; don’t map out my character’s lives and I never do the story step one to step two etc. I never know how I will end the story and I love the surprises in the book just as much as my readers. When it reaches its conclusion I just know it and stop. If an idea jumps out at me while I am writing but I am not in a place where my idea would work, I write it down and might actually spend time working on until its conclusion … then when I come to a place where it works in the storyline I add it.

Did you get an agent and/or publisher or did you self-publish?

I checked into agents, publishers etc. and they were all too expensive for me so I self-published my e-book through Amazon and my paperback on Createspace. I use Smashword and Nook also. I went in so many directions for the first book I leaned from in. In the future I am going to use less publishing methods

What inspired you to do a book on Spiritual Warfare?

Growing up in a Christian home and reading the Bible were my inspiration for the Devils Dump series; characters are based a little bit on people I know. Plus I like horror stories and thrillers so I decided to write one with a Christian bias.

Was Devils Dump your first book? If not what was and when did you write it / publish it?

My first book didn’t even have a title and I wrote it on a Tandy 1000 using a 5 ¼ disk. (I am sure that admission will date me) It was lost years ago. I have tried to redo the book but once something is written it is hard for me go back to it. I have lived longer and have more life experience which would make it difficult to remember back to that time. I have written many non-fiction and fiction articles and short stories. I may compile those into a book ... still thinking about that. My short stories have all been well received by those I let read them. Sadly it appears some of those have been lost also.

What other interests do you have?

I like to read …mainly fiction: mysteries, thrillers and supernatural. I have never been into romance books … I’d rather live that than read about it.  I will sometimes read non-fiction when I want to learn something or I am doing research but I prefer scary supernatural fiction. I used to do a lot of things but as you get older bungie jumping comes off your bucket list. Now I go to church, and play with my two dogs, Joey and Bella. I of course do others things but nothing real exciting.

Do your friends and family support your writing?

I believe so. It was a friend from grade school that motivated me to dust off Devils Dump and get it published. Joey and Bella are great fans of my writing because it means I stay home more with them.
One of my sisters really liked the book and has talked about it. No one else in my family has actually commented one way or another. I am not sure they care one way of another. Writing is for me though … even if nobody ever reads my books I write them because they are bursting in side of me.

What have you learned while writing your book?

I am not sure. I learned I had to get up and walk around on occasion and I also need to let my right hand rest because of nerve damage I sustained in a 1995 near fatal car crash. I guess one thing was that I came to love my characters … and realized I had total control of their lives. I think that might be why I just let them emerge as they want to and head in the direction that suits them … I don’t have a God-complex so it works just fine that they choose where they want to go … sometimes even I am surprised at their choices.

Have you written other books?

As mentioned I have written numerous short stories that I put in book form but the first book I had published is Devils Dump. I have written book 2 (Satan’s Loophole in Devils Dump) and I actually like it better. It went together easier than the first and I love the new characters that I added … plus I think my style got better. I always forget this but I also wrote a passion play called Road to the Cross. While writing it I had seven Bibles in front of me doing fact checking. We were going to put it on one year at a church I attended but it didn’t happen and I can’t really remember why.

Would you be willing to help new writers? If so what advice would you give them?

I would help in any way I could … hopefully keeping them from making the mistakes I made (they can make brand new ones) I’d tell them not to be discouraged. If you have a book inside you just start with random words until the one that talks to you appears. If your main idea isn’t coming together put in on hold and do a side story or even start on another book. Then I would tell them PROOFREAD and EDIT as you go or you will be overwhelmed trying to go through the whole book at one time. I usually do 2-4 chapters at a time and I still make mistakes so when it’s all done. I do start reading at the beginning once again. If you can hire a proofreader or editor all the better. Ask for samples of their work, a bad editor will cause you a lot of unnecessary grief.

What do your readers have to say? Are they able to communicate with you?

Yes. Everyone has loved the book and they’ve fallen in love with the main characters. The way it is written they often don’t know who is on the good side and who are evil … when it comes out they always tell me if they were happy or not. I have had several say they saw themselves in some of the characters and that was a wonderful surprise. I have provided access to my blog at, and also my Devils Dump group page:  and the Devils Dump Facebook page:  I also have an interview that can be read at Smashwords and an author’s page on Amazon which you can access from the Devils Dump book page (on amazon)

Would you consider writing children’s books or do you prefer writing for an adult audience

I don’t think I would be good at children’s books but I have never tried. My writing is for mature teens (16 and older) and adults. Parents should always check to see if a book, movie etc. are appropriate for their particular child. I have no cursing in my books but there are disturbing scenes that might bother younger teens … it bothers some adults … I have been told they won’t read it alone at night.

You say you like to read how do you choose what books you will read?

I start out searching for books in the genre I like and go from there. If the book blurbs moves me to the “I want to know more” stage it goes on my list. I read “The Shack” which normally wouldn’t be on my must read list but the blurb on Amazon and on the book cover hooked me and I am thrilled to have read it. The books I write I hope they will touch other readers with the blurbs and inspire them to want to actually read the whole book. I don’t care if they don’t like it, (well that is sort of a lie … I want everyone to like my work) but if they read it please give me a review. It helps sales of the book and it helps me see what people did and didn’t like about it…even a bad review is better than no review. Authors live for those reviews … and selling books.

Did you always know you wanted to be a writer of did you have another dream job in mind?

From the time I was in fifth grade I was hooked on reading and photography so P\photographer or journalist would have been my dream job. I actually got to do both. I worked for several years on my local home town newspaper … Loved it a lot. What I didn’t like was the restrictions and not having control of the finished story/article. They editors could make any change or deletion they chose and I had no input on the matter. After one pretty nasty edit that took all meaning from a feature article I wrote, I chose to leave the paper and just do whatever I wanted for a while. I actually spent one summer driving a taxi cab and it was a hoot.

What are you doing now that your first book has been published?

I am working on two other books at the moment (Maybe 3 if I find one I started a number of years ago). Satan’s Loophole (second in the Devils Dump trilogy) is currently being re-examined and edited.  The third book is about 50% completed but I don’t have a title yet … I have a great cover though.

Do you think you will keep writing or is there something else on your bucket list?

As far as I am able I want to put all the stories stuck inside of me on paper (or computer screen) I already sort of have one tucked away that I started several years ago … we’ll see what happens.
Something people who know me personally already know … I am an anxiety ridden person so what I had on my bucket list from years ago is no longer feasible for me to even try. So I am working on a new list.

Any final thoughts?

I’d just encourage people to read independent authors. There are a lot of treasures out there written by authors who couldn’t afford the cost of hiring agents and publishing companies. Check out Goodreads and Smashwords and you will discover a treasure chest of books you may not have heard of without joining these groups which are free to join. Most authors unless you are established like Stephen King, Iris Johansen, James Patterson or all the other big names, you are not going to become a millionaire. So write because you love it and if your book takes off to the top of the bestsellers list, invite me for a glass of champagne and I will do the same for you.

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