For our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the world powers of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavens. (Eph. 6:12)
Many years ago when I was struggling with things; just losing my husband; depression etc. I read a book called Bondage Breakers by Neil Anderson that woke me up the need to put on the FULL Armour of God every single day. To take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ and to pray continuously.
I did this faithfully every single day for a really long time and I gave God control of my life. Things were not perfect but I was happy and coming out of my depressions and really living with the desire to move on and share my faith.
That was more than 20 years ago. Sadly, I have found from personal experience when things get better in your life you have a tendency to put everything you have learned, sometimes - many times - even God on the back burner.
That happened to me. The depression and panic attacks and blaming God for my loss ... well I dealt with it and things were basically good for me but then one day I didn't have time to read the Bible and the next day I didn't have time to pray and then church was just a social gathering to meet up with my friends. Then I just stopped going figuring I had it all covered.
I began writing Devils Dump more than 5 years ago. OFF and ON ... which shows me that my heart remembered our struggles are not against the people we know but the enemy of our souls, Satan! He will take every slight, every angry word and every missed meeting with God to get a foothold into our lives.
He did that with me ... he told me what I thought was wrong wasn't wrong and it wouldn't affect my relationship with my family and friends or with God. So I just kept drifting away ... lucky for me God didn't just let me go. He kept hanging on until I realized I couldn't make it through one more day without Him in charge.
Devils Dump though no about me, shows what can happen when you give Satan even the tiniest of openings. It is a work of fiction but one I needed to write to get me back on track.
So I urge everyone to keep praying, keep reading God's Word and never take off that Armour from Eph.6. Satan may keep attacking but God has given us protections and weapons to use against those attacks.
AND of course please read Devils Dump and if you would be so kind, leave a review, where you purchased it, on your FB page, on my page ;on the Devils Dump group page; here ... anywhere just give me permission to use it and I'lll move it around ...
Thank you and God Bless you
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